Be free to Explore. Discern. Expand.

  • Feminine & Masculine

    All humans are a dynamic expression of both Masculine (Source) and Feminine (Void) Energies. Source and Void are the two Base Impluses that make up our Universe. Void is pull, like a black hole pulling everything in its path to its center. Source is push, like our Sun’s shining light rays.

    Feminine and Masculine are the Original Energetic Duality that dance together in Our Universe for the Experience, Expansion, and Fun of it. All things are made up of both Masculine and Feminine Energy.

  • Freewill & Destiny

    Freewill and Destiny are simultaneous.

    As we invoke our Freewill we mold and shape our Destiny.

    Depending on our souls expression and what kind of soul we have, our Destiny may be more or less outlined than others. Sometimes Destiny is a state of being and not so much a physical rendering. Other times specific 3D markers and creations are apart of a Destiny, and even with this kind of structured Destiny, Free Will is always available.

  • All Humans are psychic

    Balanced and True Psychic Energy is the ability to Create in the Communion and Connection with the Universe, Spirit, the Divine. It unlocks a deep sense of Fulfillment and Understanding. To cultivate Clear Psychic Energy it is beneficial to live within your Authentic inherent Benevolent way of being, Organic Impulse and Hearts Rhythm.

  • Starseeds & Inverted Chakras

    An explorative Journal, pushing back on the ideas of traditional Chakra Expressions. Touching on ways to feel more at Home on a sick planet to bring more of Our Authentic Energies to Heal.

  • We Animalia

    An expansive take on our evolution as a species. Looking at ways we relate and can learn from our Animal Kingdom cousins.

  • Human Blueprint

    An enlightening Diagram, highlighting the 7 Bodies of the Human Blueprint. Of note, some bodies shift on a day to day energetic cycle, while others act as integral pillars to our being.